10 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi


This video has been shot by the proponents of gun control. These people want to ban guns. I chose this video because I want to look at the issue from the proponents’ perspective. In my opinion, most of the people in this video made their decision that gun must be banned with their emotions, and they want the citizens of America and their leaders to be emotional. However, this issue cannot be solved through emotion in my opinion.

In most of the places they have said in the video, using and carrying guns are illegal. What is an important fact about the prohibition is that there are a lot of massacres in the places especially in schools. One of them is at an elementary school in Connecticut, where twenty-six people most of whom are students are killed. The main reason of the massacre is that teachers cannot defend themselves and their students from murderers just because carrying guns is illegal in schools. Therefore, it is obvious that prohibition is not a solution for stopping the criminals. It just leaves the victims defenseless. Like inhibitive laws, restrictive ones will not be a solution for decreasing the use of guns and massacres.

Some may thinks that the safest way for self-defense is to trust the laws or call 911. In most of the dangerous cases, neither of them is a solution. For example, when a thief or a murderer comes to a home at midnight with a gun, the people who live there may have call 911, but the murderer most probably shoots them as soon as he realizes the situation. In most of the school shootings, people try to call 911 when they feel in dangerous, but they have already been shot before the help. If it were a solution, twenty six people would not die in Connecticut. In conclusion, trying to ban guns is not a logical solution, and it just provides an advantage for criminals.

1 yorum:

  1. Dear "zaade" :D

    I think you choose a hot topic and it is really good that you show the two halves of the locket, therefore, you fulfill objectivity. I like your writing and your major points. Moreover, the video is very effective because the supporters are well-known celebrities. In addition, your grammar is good. All in all thanks for your great writing, I am waiting for new ones :)
